Make a donation
Right Place Music is a faith-based ministry, depending on the generous support of God’s people to continue to do what we do as well as providing for a significant portion of our personal needs.
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Donate by mail:
Right Place Music
327 Iron Hill Rd
Taylorsville, GA 30178
Throughout 33 years of ministry, first as a solo artist and later as Darrell & Dawn, God has faithfully provided for us, and we have prided ourselves on never setting a fee or demanding a minimum to come and sing. We simply believe in doing the best we can do to make much of Him, and that He will provide for our needs as we are a blessing and encouragement to His people.
Your financial gifts are important to the continuing ministry of Darrell & Dawn Ritchie as we tour and record new music. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us on a monthly basis to help us go forward? That support ideally allows us to accept invitations from churches that might not otherwise have the resources to schedule a concert like this, as well as helping us when unforeseen circumstances require concerts to be cancelled or postponed.